G. M. Manley. From Thine Own Eyes. Bloomington: Xlibris Publishing, ISBN 978-1-45007-339-4. 2010. Perfect Bound Softcover.

About the Author:

Gilda is a Native of South Carolina. Born in Lancaster County South Carolina, she was raised along the coastal region .Her natural instincts kicked in as an artist and writer by the age of ten, integrating the both in her creative art works. She began also singing at age 10 with the Washington Gospel Singers in Charleston. She continued singing and added classical and modern music to her repertoire. She completed college and began working as a special education teacher, singing only part-time as a hobby. Living along the coast of Charleston, she was inspired to engage creative energies from her surroundings to write Art has also Become her first love in that it allows her the ability to express herself. She envisions her images with a satire effect. The best way to take notice of the natural world is through the keen eyes of an artist and writer. Gilda M.Manley Studied undergraduate and graduate work in Education at Virginia Union University, the University of Delaware and the Citadel of Charleston.

Book Teaser:

I Had a Rose

I had a rose

That reminded me of you.

When you left

That rose

Fell apart.

Along with that rose

Came a broken heart.

When you come back

The pieces will

Come back together.

I guess you are

You're never coming back I guess!

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